
Understanding Vet Care For Dogs And Cats

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Understanding Vet Care For Dogs And Cats

Hello everyone, I’m Megan. Welcome. I would like to use this site to talk to you all about vet care for dogs and cats. As soon as I bring my pets home, I make an appointment with the vet. The first appointment allows me to establish care and discuss a good vaccination schedule for my animals. The vet performs a thorough examination to confirm my pet is in good health. Throughout my pets’ lives, I bring them back to the vet for diagnosis and treatment when they are ill or injured. My site will cover pet illnesses and injuries along with the tests and treatments used for each medical condition. Thanks.

3 Things Rat Owners Need To Know About Chromodacryorrhea

Chromodacryorrhea, also called "red tears," is a symptom of illness in rats. Rats with chromodacryorrhea will produce red tears that can be mistaken for blood. Here are three things rat owners need to know about chromodacryorrhea.

What are the signs of chromodacryorrhea?

If your rat is exhibiting chromodacryorrhea, you'll notice that they have red crusts around their eyes. These crusts can be easily mistaken for dried blood. Large amounts of red tears may drip down to the nose and collect around the nostrils, giving the appearance that your rat has been bleeding from both its eyes and nose. These red crusts may also be seen on your rat's paws if they have been wiping their eyes.

If you notice these signs, examine your rat for signs of injuries. Cuts around the eyes—which may occur as a result of fighting with their cage mates, falling, or simply playing rambunctiously—can lead to blood crusts that resemble chromodacryorrhea. If you can't find any signs of injuries, it's likely that your rat has chromodacryorrhea.

Why does chromodacryorrhea occur?

Your rat has glands behind their eyes, called Harderian glands, that produce secretions that keep their eyes moist. These secretions also drain through the nose and can be used to groom the fur. These secretions have a red color due to the iron they contain, but when only small amounts of secretions are produced, you won't notice much, if any, discoloration around your rat's eyes. When larger-than-normal amounts of secretions are produced, the red discoloration will be very noticeable and can cause alarm.

There are many reasons for this excessive secretion production. If your rat feels very stressed, they may produce more secretions. Things like introducing a new rat to the cage, moving the cage to a new location in the house, or getting a pet that scares your rat (like a dog or cat) may lead to stress. Chronic underlying diseases, like cancer or respiratory diseases, can also stress your rat's body and lead to excessive secretion production.

How do vets manage chromodacryorrhea?

Your vet will examine your rat to determine the cause of the chromodacryorrhea. They will examine your rat's body and perform diagnostic tests like fecal samples, blood samples or x-rays to try to figure out if an underling disease is causing the problem. If your vet determines that your rat is healthy, stress in the household is the cause. You'll need to take steps to make your rat feel more comfortable in your home, like keeping them in a room away from your dog or cat.

If your rat is crying red tears, take them to a vet to figure out what's going on. Contact a business, such as the Canine Center, for more information about pet illnesses.